Monday, October 14, 2013

General Food Safety Precautionary Guidelines for Home & Business

Regulatory Agencies

·       FDA:  Food & Drug Administration
·       USDA: United States Dept of Agriculture
·       CDC:  Center for Disease Control
·       State Level Health Depts
·       Local and County Level

Analysis of

Food Safety Training Manual

It is mandatory that you work with, not against
Any inspectors and food vendors.

·       Accompany inspector and listen to what they have to say.
·       Maintain professionalism and provide records.
·       Post all required documentation.
·       If a potential violation is pointed out, immediately request possible solution.  Correct promptly.
·       Discuss outcome of all inspections with store manager to implement more efficient practices, for future reference.
·       Wash hands frequently and always wear gloves when handling food.

Food Safety Training Manual

Food Safety 098

People who are at high risk for
Food Borne Illness

·       Children under 4 years of age
·       The elderly
·       Pregnant women
·       People who have comprised immune systems due to chronic illnesses

·       Pregnant women are 20 % more likely to get fatally serious illnesses from food.

Food Safety Training Manual

  Food Safety 098

Types of contamination
That create Food Borne Illness

·       3 %  contracted from physical contamination, such as foreign objects in food.  (glass, metal, wrappers)
·       4 %  from chemical contamination, such as those that happen when you keep chemicals around food.
·       93% of Food Borne Illness is contracted via biological germs such as expired food and cross contamination.

Food Safety Training Manual

Food Safety 098

Illness vs Outbreak
Illness refers to a single person that gets sick from something they may have eaten.
This could possibly be the result of a food allergy.

An outbreak involves two or more people contracting illness from a common food that was served.

Your ONLY Legal Defense
Your ONLY legal defense is due diligence.  This means that you practice following all regulations set before you, as guidelines.
Proper recording and filing will ensure that you have the proper tools of defense, ready to be shared with authorities, if needed.
Doing this diligently, will protect you in the long run.

Food Safety Training Manual

Food Safety 098
Test Your Diligence:  Where are your risks?

1)  _____ Is your sanitary bucket clean and free of debris?
2)  _____ Have you recently tested the solution?
3)  _____ Are all of your towels away from food handling surfaces?
4)  _____ Is your sanitary bucket at least 12 inches from the floor?
5)  _____ Is your sanitary bucket away from all food prep areas?
6)  _____ Are your walls and counters sanitized and free of debris?
7)  _____ Are your knives clean and safely stored?
8)  _____ Are your containers sealed closed and properly dated?
9)  _____ Are your thermometers calibrated and working?
10)  ____ Is your refrigeration at or below 36 degrees?
11)  ____ Are your meats properly wrapped and at proper temperatures?
12)  ____ Are your eggs on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator?
13)  ____ Do you wear gloves when you handle food?
14)  ____ Is your local vent clean and free of dust?
15)  ____ Is the clean side of your dish sink actually clean?
If you missed 3 or more items from this list,
You might want to re-evaluate your general practices.
Food Safety Training Manual

Food Safety 101

Meeting Minimal Safety Requirements
165 degrees
·         Poultry
·         Reheated foods
·         Stuffed foods
·         Microwaved foods
155 degrees
·         Any ground meat
145 degrees
High protein foods, such as
·         Pork
·         Roasts
·         Bacon
·         Fish
·         Eggs
140 degrees
·         Cooking fruits & veggies
·         RTE Foods: Ready To Eat manufactured foods
Make sure you always take the temperature for 15 seconds.

Food Safety Training Manual

Food Safety 101
While we have already gone over the
Minimal Safety Requirements
Regarding cooked temperatures of various foods,
We must also remember to follow safe cooling of foods.
Also note and utilize the checklists set before you.  There are many ways you can control the safe enjoyment of
The culinary creations you have prepared.

Safely Cooling Foods
Use an ice bath, until the unit of food is ready to refrigerate.  Otherwise, keep foods heated at 140 degrees for safety.

Food Safety Training Manual

Food Safety 101

Facts about Food Borne Illnesses

Listerios, Salmonella, E.Coli, Shingles, and Hepatitis A
Symptoms include:
Diarrhea, bloody wastes, vomiting and fever

·        Pregnant women are 20% more likely to get fatally serious illnesses from listerios.
·        Commercially processed mayonnaise is NOT potentially hazardous when left out.  It is the food that is in the mayonnaise that is getting people sick.
·        70 degrees – 120 degrees is the super danger zone for food borne illnesses.
·        Wine, citric acid and vinegar adjust pH levels.

Food Safety Training Manual

Food Safety 101

More Facts about Food Borne Illness

Biological Hazards

You cannot see, smell or taste bacteria.
Bacterial spores such as anthrax are:
·        Resistant to normal cooking temperatures.
·        Resistant to boiling.
·        Not destroyed by freezing.
·        Can live for thousands of years.
Can you imagine how much bacteria gets into food that sits out all day?  Imagine what that can do to your digestive system.
Would you serve bacteria as a side dish with dinner?

Food Safety Training Manual

Food Safety 101

Other Facts about Food Borne Illness
Norwalk Virus
Comes from microscopic fecal matter on raw fruits & veggies.

Comes from undercooked pork & game animals.

Comes from bottom feeding fish.

Comes from shellfish or fecal contamination.

Food Safety Training Manual

Food Safety 101

Keep all tags from meat for a period of 90 days.  A good way to do this is to have 4 ziploc binder pencil pouches; in a binder.  One for each fiscal quarter.  On the beginning of the third quarter, you can discard tags from the first quarter.  Tags are the product information on meat and shellfish.

                       (glue or tape a label containing product info in this area.)

Food Safety Training Manual

Food Safety Agreement

I, ________________________________ have read and understand
The Food Safety Training Manual for employment with
Charlotte Convenience Store.
I understand that these policies are implemented in regards to
The health and safety of our community, and in
Compliance with local, state and federal guidelines
To insure high quality food served to our public.

I agree to maintain and uphold these requirements presented to me
On the _____ day of_________________, 20___
In the ______________________________ Food Safety Training Manual.

Name printed:______________________________________________
Name & Title:_____________________________________________________________

Food Safety Training Manual

Food Safety Agreement

I,_________________________,  understand that this is a legally binding document
And that failure to comply with these regulations
can result in my separation with
Charlotte Convenience Store.
I certify that I have read this Food Safety Training Manual
And will initial below, each section that I have read:

·         _____ Compliance Insurance Checklists
·         _____ Regulatory Agencies
·         _____ Food Safety 098
·         _____ Food Safety 101

Name printed:_______________________________________________
Signature:_________________________________________ Date:________________`
Witness/Manager:_________________________________ Date:________________
Name & Title:____________________________________________________________

Kitchen Daily Operation Checklist

1.   _____ Wipe down all food handling surfaces with sanitary towel.
2.   _____ Make sure sanitary bucket has clean sanitary solution.
3.   _____ Make sure all rags are kept in sanitary bucket.
4.   _____ Make sure sanitary bucket is at least 12 inches above floor.
5.   _____ Check coffee pot for fresh coffee.  Refill if needed.
6.   _____ Clean all knives and store them properly.
7.   _____ Stir all soups & sauces to prevent burning on the bottom.
8.   _____ Make sure all prep surfaces are clean.
9.   _____ Pull and date foods that need to be thawed for tomorrow.
10.                Check condiment bar.  Refill and clean as needed.
11.                Clean glass on customer side of refrigeration units.
12.                Clean debris from tracks on refrigerator doors.
13.                Check food temps on all prep food. Ensure proper storage.
14.                Check for expired food, log out and discard.
15.                Organiz and clean inside refrigerator units.
16.                Date foods properly.  Ensure that eggs are on bottom of unit.
17.                Stock all products necessary to serve food.
18.                Wash hands frequently to prevent food contamination.
19.                Keep floors clean and free of debris.
20.                Inventory all stock.
21.                File all paperwork properly, for routine inspection and auditing.                                          
22.                Communicate any units that aren’t operating functionally.
23.                Communicate any orders that have to be made.
24.                Greet customers immediately, with a smile.
25.                Sample new foods to familiar faces. 

(File this in Daily Operation Checklist Folder)

Kitchen Daily Opening Checklist

1.   _____ Take Temperatures on all refrigeration units.
2.   _____ Search for any communication notes from closing shift.
3.   _____ Turn on cooking units for preheating.
4.   _____ Assess what will be needed for successful service day.
5.   _____ Check dates on all food.
6.   _____ Begin daily preparations.

Kitchen Daily Close Checklist

1.   _____ Turn off all cooking units.
2.   _____ Wash dishes.  Dry and properly store all knives.
3.   _____ Inventory knives at the end of each day.
4.   _____ Clean and remove debris from sink.
5.   _____ Properly discard garbage and replace liner.
6.   _____ Sanitize all counter tops and sink area.
7.   _____ Make sure all cleaning products are safely stored.
8.   _____ All towels and rags must be removed from kitchen area.
9.   _____ Clean towels should be stored in clean linen area.
10.                Soiled towels must be kept in sanitary solution until laundered.
11.                All dishes must be put away when dry.
12.                Make a list of things the opening shift will need to know.
13.                Check to make sure all lids are sealed on open containers.
14.                Pull food to be thawed for tomorrow.
15.                Make sure all open products are properly dated.
16.                Stock refrigerated product.
17.                Clean all refrigeration glass.
18.                Stock condiments and clean station well.
19.                Complete end of day task lists and file properly.
20.                Complete end of day paperwork & sale tracking; file.
21.                Sweep and mop floors.
22.                Rinse mop head and bucket, to prevent future putrid smells.

23.                 Make sure all chemicals are out of food prep area.

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